Market Insight
With up-to-date information on market trends, new products, top sellers etc.
We are able to share with you valuable market insight for each category.
Encourage shoppers to trade up – better value for money increases shoppers basket spend.
67% of all Laundry sales are at a consumer deal of £5+. Check out our Laundry bigger packs each month! See our Surf Liquid 40 wash and Daz Pods 42’s and get some extra cash through your till! (RI Data 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018)
Liquid Tabs are larger than the powder segment in the total market at 29% vs 22% and showing the best growth. Top sellers are Daz Pods PM £2.49 and Arial Pods PM £3.99.
They are the fastest growing format in the total market at 7% but Convenience is growing faster at 18% growth vs last year! (Nielsen, Fabric Cleaning, Total Market & Independents, MAT: 08.09.18)
Own label household products are important and offer increased value verses branded products.
They deliver on average +30% POR (Best-one 10 wash laundry powder PM £1 up + 57% vs LY) (Bestway data Dec 2018)
Our Must Stock range is split into four key segments to cover all sub categories as they tap into different shopper need states
Household Cleaners / Laundry / Paper / Kitchen Essentials
Don’t miss out on key seasons such as Spring Clean, Winter, Christmas.
• Candles have a strong seasonal peak at Christmas growing at +12%, making them the fastest growing segment in air care • Spring Clean peaks during February/March (Nielsen MAT July 14th 2018)