Market Insight
With up-to-date information on market trends, new products, top sellers etc.
We are able to share with you valuable market insight for each category.
Breakfast occasions are growing with +186 million more breakfasts consumed
making this a £1.72bn market and growing at +1.2% (Nielsen)
PMP’s play a key role in delivering value to the shopper
all of the top 10 selling cereals are price marked (Bestway data)
Breakfast on the go is a key growth segment, cereal bars, breakfast drinks and porridge pots are all satisfying consumer needs
see our recommended top sellers section for the leading products (IRI Total Convenience 15/06/19)
Functional Health is a key driver for shoppers
when buying cereals, Weetabix, Special K, Bran Flakes and Alpen are the best sellers in this segment
20% of all breakfast bought to eat at work is bought in Convenience
maximise the daily sales opportunity with cereal bars and express porridge pots (Kellogg’s)
Cereal bars now represent over 20% of the total cereal category sales in convenience
and are growing 6% pa (Nielsen MAT to June 19)